Os microfones sem fio não possuem conexões de cabo físico para a gravação ou amplificação de som com a qual está trabalhando. Todos eles funcionam em sinais VHF ou UHF e precisam de uma bateria para operar - uma boa.
Os melhores microfones sem fio podem parecer semelhantes, pois tudo o que eles estão fazendo é transmitir um sinal. Mas, há um pouco mais do que isso. A operação em si está repleta de problemas até a seleção de frequência.
Enquanto o conceito libertou os artistas de cabos e cabos. Fazê-lo funcionar de forma consistente e previsível não é tarefa fácil. Nenhum sistema está imune a problemas. Achamos que isso precisa ser entendido.
Mais sobre isso depois…
Saber escolher o melhor para o que se quer fazer nem sempre é tão fácil.
Gostaríamos de encaminhá-lo para as regras e regulamentos relativos ao uso de microfones e fones de ouvido sem fio que são aplicáveis e diferem de país para país. Não deixe de conferir antes de comprar.
Então, vamos dar uma olhada nos melhores microfones sem fio disponíveis atualmente e encontrar o perfeito para você…
Os 10 melhores microfones sem fio do mercado em 2022 avaliações
- Sistema sem fio de cabeça Shure BLX14R/MX53 com microfone auricular MX153
- Transmissor portátil Shure SLX2/SM58 com microfone SM58
- Sistema Audio-Technica 10 ATW-1102 Sistema de microfone de mão sem fio
- Sistema sem fio digital portátil Shure PGXD24/SM58-X8
- Sistema de microfone sem fio portátil Sennheiser Ew 100
- Sistema de microfone sem fio UHF duplo de 80 canais Innopow, conjunto de microfone sem fio de metal
- Sistema de microfone sem fio, conjunto de microfone sem fio UHF de 4 canais Phenyx Pro
- Sistema de microfone sem fio AKG Pro Audio
- Sistema de microfone sem fio portátil Sennheiser Ew 100, G, ew 122P G4-A (ew 122P G4-A)
- Microfone sem fio Sony ECMAW4
Sistema sem fio Shure BLX14R/MX53 com microfone auricular MX153
Shure é um nome sinônimo de microfones e muito bons nisso. Eles sempre forneceram um nível de construção de qualidade em todos os seus produtos. E o BLX 14R não é exceção.
Um sistema de microfone sem fio às vezes apresenta alguns desafios. Mas, a Shure conseguiu superar muitos deles e criou um sistema fácil de usar e amigável.
Então, o que você ganha…
Incluído no pacote está um microfone auricular condensador omnidirecional. Isso fornece clareza excepcional no design sobre a orelha. Possui proteção contra plosivas aprimorada e sem efeito de proximidade. A transmissão do sinal é feita através do bodypack, que inclui um botão liga/desliga, controle de volume e um indicador de status LED.
É compacto e leve e operará a distâncias de até 100 metros.
Duas pilhas AA proporcionam aproximadamente 14 horas de uso. Mas, é claro, as peças sobressalentes são sempre essenciais para transportar, pois esse número varia de acordo com as circunstâncias individuais.
E as especificações…
O receptor de montagem em rack BLX4R possui a tecnologia Quickscan de um toque que simplifica a seleção de frequência. E há um painel de exibição LCD que oferece medição de RF e áudio e conexões de saída XLR e 1⁄4″.
Um sistema de transmissão e receptor conveniente e fácil de usar, tornando a vida muito mais fácil.
Todo o sistema é expansível e pode executar até doze sistemas compatíveis. Além disso, inclui um kit de montagem em rack.
Ótimo para uso no palco ou apresentações…
A Shure produz qualidade em seus produtos. E, a qualidade deste sistema é apenas isso. No entanto, embora seja ótimo para vocais no palco. Também produziria resultados impressionantes para aqueles que fazem apresentações que precisam e querem se movimentar enquanto o fazem.
É um ótimo exemplo de um microfone sem fio.
Não é uma opção barata, mas se você considerar o que está comprando, o preço é realista.

- Bem construído com bons recursos.
- Fácil de usar.
- Pode ser necessário brincar com o fone de ouvido para que ele se ajuste perfeitamente ao seu ouvido.
Transmissor portátil Shure SLX2/SM58 com microfone SM58
Uma coisa digna de nota sobre o SLX2 é a clareza de suas transmissões. E. alcançado por sua tecnologia ARC que aumenta a clareza.
A Shure pegou seu bem-sucedido e respeitado SM58 e deu a ele a opção sem fio. E isso produziu um microfone que oferece uma resposta e desempenho poderosos.
Normalmente, os microfones sem fio operam com uma taxa de compressão fixa. No entanto, o SLX trabalha com uma compressão variável, que adiciona uma faixa dinâmica.
A operação é fácil…
Os sistemas no microfone farão a varredura procurando um canal apropriado e, ao toque de um botão, sincronizarão com o receptor. As respostas de frequência são projetadas para a voz e incorporam uma redução aprimorada de médios e graves.
Ele utiliza um padrão cardióide que garante que o som principal não seja afetado pelo ruído de fundo. Isso o tornará adequado para uma variedade de locais onde o ruído de fundo pode ser um problema.
Como foi projetado para ser portátil, também possui um sistema de montagem antichoque embutido para reduzir qualquer ruído indesejado do manuseio.
Isso novamente abre as portas para seu uso em uma variedade de configurações…
Para ajudar na clareza e no desempenho, a cabeça do microfone possui um filtro de vento e pop. Assim como o SM58, possui uma grade de malha de aço. Sendo Shure, é confiável, robusto e bem construído, e capaz de resistir a alguns golpes.
Ele tem um botão mudo e um indicador de duração da bateria. E as duas pilhas AA devem durar cerca de 8 horas.
Definido a um preço competitivo.
Tal como acontece com todas as coisas Shure, é um microfone sem fio que produzirá desempenho e confiabilidade.
Resposta de frequência de 50 a 15.000 Hz

- Fácil de usar e configurar.
- Bom preço.
- Utiliza tecnologia avançada de pesquisa de canais.
- O microfone é o transmissor e pode, portanto, estar sujeito à intensidade do sinal.
Audio-Technica System 10 ATW-1102 Wireless Handheld Microphone System
Audio-Technica has produced a very cost effective handheld wireless microphone system where the microphone is the transmitter. It has a 24-bit operation in the range of 2.4GHz and is, therefore, using some advanced technology. Using this range keeps the unit completely free of TV and DTV interference.
It has an impressive performance and produces no interference or static and doesn’t suffer from dropouts or loss of signal. It has a wide range of user applications including live performances, public address at gatherings, conferences, etc. And offers a great diversity of operation.
Setup is easy…
…as the unit will scan frequencies searching for the best available open channel. Automatic frequency selection will ensure interference-free operation. In the event, that you require more than one channel, up to eight may be used without coordination problems.
It has a convenient and easy to read LCD giving the status of settings and operation at any time.
Going solo…
You can only use one microphone at a time with this unit, and the need to use more than one will require an extra unit.
The microphone and unit are made of hardened plastic but are quite rugged and sturdy.
One of the outstanding plus points about this wireless microphone is its range. It will comfortably manage distances of up to 200 meters from the source without any problems.
It uses AA batteries, but it does get through them quite quickly, so spares on hand would not be a bad idea.
Neat, tidy, and efficient…
The Audio Technica ATW-1102 is a good system. Neat, tidy, and efficient. Has no problems with interference and is easy to set up. Not as rugged as some systems, but that will maybe encourage people to be careful with it.

- Multi-use system.
- Quality technology ensures good performance.
- Battery life not so good.
The price is realistic.
Shure PGXD24/SM58-X8 Digital Handheld Wireless System
As in the SLX2 w reviewed earlier, Shure once again use their world-class SM58 as the preferred handset for this wireless microphone system. I suppose the question is when you have something as good as the SM58 why would you want to use anything else.
The SM58, of course, is a cardioid dynamic microphone and in this system is linked with a PGXD24 wireless transmitter.
Sounds very impressive and is easy to set up…
The excellence of sound has been achieved using 24-bit/48Hz technology. This always sounds very impressive, but it is the analog circuitry ahead of the conversion that is the defining factor, and with Shure, that is always excellent.
A clear, usable channel is located automatically by the automatic frequency selector, and one-touch sync links the transmitter and receiver automatically.
Setup is therefore very easy. The frequency selector gives reliability and diversity. And, to ensure you are kept aware of the status of the unit, it features a multi-function LED indicator.
For on-stage use?
Whereas some systems are designed to be multi-purpose, you get the feeling that Shure has designed this system for use on stage.
The SM58 is known to be as hard as nails and is therefore ideal for wireless operation. The wire mesh grille and wind and pop filter, of course, are standard. The transmitter is designed to ensure plenty of protection against feedback but still manages to produce a quality of sound that Shure is known for.
Each frequency band can handle five compatible channels.
It is powered by two AA batteries, and the battery life is expected to be up to 9 hours.

- Shure reliability and quality of the build.
- Good onboard features to maintain a clear sound.
- Strangely doesn’t come with an on/off switch.
Sennheiser Ew 100 Portable Wireless Microphone System
Sennheiser has really created a portable wireless microphone system that has many uses. Microphones are not always all about rock bands on stage, and they have a myriad of uses. Especially if they are portable and cable-free.
It is easy to operate and has a range of approximately 300 feet and will produce quality sound, even good enough for broadcasting. And, an infra-red sync function is placed in the microphone/transmitter that will tune into its receiver just by pushing a button.
The microphones cardioid pattern reduces potential feedback and provides a warm and consistent sound reproduction.
Designed for the great outdoors…
Being designed with outdoor usage in mind, and constructed of rugged aluminum. Tough and not affected by any potential bad weather as some materials might be.
It has an enhanced frequency range, and the onboard scanning feature will search for available frequencies, The syncing of transmitters is via an infrared interface.
If you are going to be using this system for outside broadcasting, possibly even live reporting. Then the last thing you need is to inadvertently change the settings.
This is avoided on the system by the Auto Lock feature…
Battery indicators keep you informed of their status.
Of course, live reporting of outside broadcasts are not the only use available to such high-quality kit. This microphone is a superior addition to any video recording that requires an excellent sound balance and range. There is a fitting designed to fit securely to a camera for this very reason.
Even the transmitter is designed to fit neatly and unobtrusively about your person.
You will go a long way to find better quality…
If you need a wireless microphone of the highest quality for an outside video recording or mobile journalism. You will go a long way to finding better quality.
That is what Sennheiser do, produce quality. It never comes cheap, but it is usually worth the expense.

- Quality sound reproduction in outside environments.
- Easy to use and transport.
- Best suited for outside broadcast, therefore, may lack the features needed for other applications.
Innopow 80-Channel Dual UHF Wireless Microphone System, Metal Cordless Mic set
If you have been plowing through reviews and reports about Wireless microphones hoping to find a product that will let you use more than one mic on a single system…
Congratulations, you’ve found it…
The Innopow 80 has a facility for more than one person to speak at the same time using the same unit. There are two receivers and dual controls. And, of course, two microphones along with two antennas to ensure clarity of the signal.
The microphones have a range of about two hundred feet, allowing you the freedom to move around. There are five different frequencies. The microphones themselves are of metal construction and are unidirectional cardioid.
A simple power switch turns the receiver on and off. And there are indicator lights to advise you which band is currently in use. The digital display shows the current settings. Plus, with a battery life of up to seventeen hours, it should ease any time pressures.
The microphones and units are well built and quite sturdy…
Although at first glance this looks like a system that was designed for interviews or using at conference facilities, they do have many options. Even singers will see the benefits of this system that gives you long battery life and freedom to move.
To the hand, the microphones feel quite heavy and have a substantial feel to them.
This is a decent product that provides a lot of options when you consider it is very much at the budget end of the scale. The performance, though, without being startling, is very good. Although it does not compete with the more expensive systems, we’ve covered in this round-up.
Good value, with some interesting options. And certainly worth considering if you need more than one microphone.

- Well made and sturdy.
- Two mic option with options to increase.
- Custo-benefício.
Wireless Microphone System, Phenyx Pro 4-Channel UHF Cordless Mic Set
When you are in need of multiple microphones for an event, it can be a problem. Phenyx recognizes this and has produced a four channel UHF cordless system with four handheld microphones.
It has a four channel UHF microphone receiver. The fixed frequency design gives a high level of sound quality and provides a stable base reducing the chances of drop-off, as well as, the potential for distortion. It has four independent volume controls, one for each channel and XLR and 1⁄4” outputs.
Two screens, with two LCD’s each!
The receiver has two screens with two LCD displays per screen. These give you information on your signal and the output level of the audio. It has two antennas. And, featuring an impressive range of up to 260 feet in open spaces, you should be able to go crowd surfing in style!
It operates in a frequency range of 530MHz to 580MHz. And, is rack mountable if required.
The unit is well built, and the metal construction will allow transportation without fear of occasional damage.
Four microphones…
Including four handheld UHF microphones, that like the unit are well built and feel tough and sturdy. They feature a cardioid dynamic cartridge. The off/on switch is positioned on the bottom of the unit, which is a clever design preventing the microphone accidentally being turned off during activity.
There is an LCD screen. This will provide information on the channel and frequency number. The screen will turn red when the battery runs low.
As a unit, it is designed to be functional, and it is unlikely it will suit a band or live performance. But, it is ideal for other gatherings such as weddings, conferences, or conventions where you may need several microphones.
It is well priced and basically a lower priced unit. But, it offers good facilities onboard and is well made, and will certainly fulfill a function.
Operates on AA batteries.

- Includes four microphones.
- Offers four cable-free channels.
- Preço competitivo.
- Can be problems with four microphones giving interference if used close together.
AKG Pro Audio Wireless Microphone System
AKG was founded just after the second world war in Vienna. Originally they worked providing sound equipment for cinema but later expanded into other sound areas, including microphones. Today they are owned by Samsung, managed by Harmann Industries and based in Los Angeles.
They manufacture quality microphones right across the spectrum, from the classic AKG C-1 to the modern AKG C-12, VR (The Vacuum Tube). They produce the best microphones by any standards, that is much sought after by studio engineers.
Therefore they know what they are doing when it comes to manufacturing mics.
This model, though is at the lower end of their operations, in terms of price. But, as with all good companies, the product is worth looking at.
The AKG Pro Audio Wireless is an analog system that delivers high performance and a great sound.
Suitable for smaller venues…
It’s easy to use and features a dynamic microphone with a cardioid pattern. And, will give you plenty of gain before feedback and which acts as the transmitter. It has a steel wire mesh grille for protection. It has a volume control for adjustment of the gain. And, a useful on/off switch which also acts as a mute.
An indicator shows battery status. And, the receiver has XLR and 1⁄4” jack outputs. It also has the ability to set up eight channel presets. It operates from a single AA battery, and battery life is approximately eight hours.
The sound quality is very good for a system that is essentially on a budget. And, it is certainly worth considering if you are moving into wireless for the first time.

- Well made and sturdy.
- Good features.
- There is a delay in receiving output when you turn off and on.
Sennheiser Ew 100 Portable Wireless Microphone System, G, ew 122P G4-A (ew 122P G4-A)
One thing you can be sure of is if a microphone has Sennheiser written on it there will be plenty of quality. This model by one of the best in the business, Sennheiser, is rugged and road ready and produces excellent results.
It is not designed for bands or live performances but for mobile journalism, video production or outside broadcasts. For this reason, it has been designed for ease of use and quick setup. It enjoys a range of up to 100 meters and a battery life of about eight hours
The system comes with an omnidirectional ME-2 Lavalier mic with a cardioid polar pattern for improved sound isolation.
There is an LED giving channel and signal information and a battery life indicator.
To use such a system as an outside broadcast unit is challenging, to say the least. Not only have you to ensure a good and stable connection and have reasonable travel from receiver distance, but the sound quality also has got to be superior.
As we have mentioned, it also needs to be tough and ready to withstand the occasional knocks it is bound to get.
There are further options available with this system. For instance, a handheld receiver mic, also cardioid, but this obviously is an extra you need to pay for.
We wouldn’t call this the cheapest system out there for what it does. But, neither is it the most expensive, and with Sennheiser kit you know you are buying quality.

- Well made and able to take some knocks.
- Easy to use and to set up.
- Some might think it is rather expensive.
Sony ECMAW4 Wireless Microphone
As most of the reviews we do are for music-related products, Sony is a name we don’t come across that often. Huge corporation, into most things electrical with a reputation to defend. So, let’s see how they get on the world of Wireless microphones.
There is a reason why Sony has lifted its head above the parapet. And, it’s not because they thought they would have a little try with something musical. It’s because this system is designed to work with video cameras or other recording devices.
They do know a little bit about those…
The ECM-AW4 is a battery powered system that will operate with nearly any kind of camera, DSLR or a recording device that has a mini-jack input for microphones. The transmitter has a built-in mic and is totally Bluetooth compatible.
Using both handsets two-way communication is possible for up to 150 feet from the video device. This allows the subject and the operator of the device, being a director or other person, to communicate without the need for any extra intercom facility.
An audio/headphone jack socket is provided on both receiver and transmitter to allow the users to hear any directions given.
Quality sound…
The wireless mic will record a quality sound up to 160 feet away. And a belt clip and an armband are included. There is an LED giving battery life, which is actually quite short. It uses AAA batteries.
It is a very useful system. Not maybe at the high end, but certainly useful in today’s world where bloggers, etc., use this kind of equipment.
If there is one thing to be careful of it is the build. It is not built like a tank. Which it probably should be for the sort of work it will be doing, so take care of it.
Priced very reasonably.

- A good budget system for working with video.
- Preço competitivo.
- Some good intercommunication features.
Buying The Best Wireless Microphone System
If you want to buy the best wireless microphone system, then there are many things to consider. We mentioned in the opening about some of the dangers and potential problems. And it’s important to do your homework and make sure the system you buy will do what you want it to.
The good news about these systems is that they have freed up the user from annoying cables and wires. On stage, this is a veritable boon, or it can be.
It can also be a nightmare if something does go wrong…
Obvious things like frequency selection are fraught with problems. Not only in attaining it, but maintaining the signal and keeping it stable. Nearly all systems will search out the frequencies. But, will they maintain them at a satisfactory performance level.
This is no easy task even in today’s high tech world…
For example, do you need a line of sight between transmitter and receiver? Some do not work so well without being able to ‘see’ each other.
No system is completely immune to the problems, so choose wisely.
What Do You Need It For?
This is a critical question. You will need a specific system depending on how you propose to use it. Not many wireless systems ‘cross-over’ from one discipline to another successfully.
So, is it for a singer on stage, an outside broadcast, making a blog, making a video?
Each discipline will require different strengths of operation and a different set of functions. We have reviewed equipment from each of the disciplines. And it has to be said, that there is some very impressive kit out there.
Some of it is priced very realistically. All by quality manufacturers. Some are prepared for a lot of outside usage, others not so much.
The understanding of its prime area of operation is the first decision.
What actually fits the purpose is second.
So,What’s The Best Wireless Microphones?
To a certain extent, it will depend on how you want to use it. Well like you, we have to decide what we want to use it for.
We would utilize it on stage in front of a crowd. And, we expect the stage to be quite large; therefore, the range must be adequate. Plus, it needs to be tough enough to handle any accidental knocks it may take. And, we want the sound to be of the highest quality.
We don’t want to have any problems with chosing the signal and frequency. And, with the best chance of maintaining its strength.
Therefore, the best wireless microphone is the…
Shure PGXD24/SM58-X8 Digital Handheld Wireless System
You can’t go very far wrong, having an SM58 as your base tool.
A great microphone with a proven track record.