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As 10 melhores caixas de som que você deve comprar em 2022 Revisão

Quem lembra dos anos 80? Certamente, alguns sim, e outros sabem que houve uma década chamada “Anos 80”.

E que década foi! Moda selvagem e penteados. A era de ouro das estrelas de ação muscular, Heavy Metal e até Hair Metal. Mas o mais importante, os anos 80 viram o nascimento do Hip Hop e da dança break. Junto com o gênero musical emergente veio um novo tipo de dispositivo de áudio:o boombox.

Para qualquer sessão de breakdance, o melhor boombox apareceu com destaque. Isso porque o break dance era mais “underground” naquela época. Quase literalmente no subsolo, já que muitas sessões aconteciam em estações de metrô, debaixo de pontes e porões de prédios de apartamentos.

Sem qualquer tipo de sistema de som para esses locais, o boombox tornou-se parte integrante da crescente cena Hip Hop.

E a partir daí, se espalhou…

Todo mundo se apaixonou por boomboxes. Eles podiam ser encontrados em todos os lugares. Dos keggers do ensino médio na floresta à tela prateada com John Cusack segurando uma estridente In Your Eyes de Peter Gabriel ao seu amor relutante.

Se uma peça de tecnologia pudesse resumir com precisão os anos 80, seria o boombox. Alguns podem argumentar que o Sony Walkman ou pagers Motorola são escolhas mais adequadas. Mas esses itens não tinham o mesmo apelo generalizado, nem uso duradouro.

Embora o mundo tenha adotado soluções de áudio digital sem fio, o boombox foi realmente o primeiro dispositivo de áudio sem fio. E embora os designs e recursos tenham mudado ao longo das décadas, os boomboxes continuam populares, portáteis e poderosos.

Então penteie esse mullet, tire o pó da jaqueta 'Somente para membros' e junte-se a nós enquanto procuramos o Melhor Boombox atualmente no mercado ...

Os 10 melhores Boomboxes do mercado em avaliações de 2022

  1. Anker Soundcore Motion Boom – Melhor Boombox Leve
  2. Toshiba TY-CKM39 – Boombox com melhor relação custo-benefício
  3. Tenmiya BT-A66 – Melhor caixa de som de baixo custo
  4. LONPOO LP-D02 – Boombox de melhor orçamento
  5. W King – D10 – Melhor caixa de som econômica com luzes
  6. Coluna Bluetooth portátil à prova d'água JBL Boombox - Boombox mais durável
  7. Panasonic RX-D55GC-K Boombox – Melhor Boombox Compacta
  8. BoomBox Bluetooth Grande Portátil Sharp GX-BT9X – Melhor Boombox Premium
  9. Boombox Bluetooth retrô dos anos 80 da Victrola – Melhor custo-benefício Boombox
  10. Boombox do sistema de som estéreo portátil compacto da Sony – o melhor Boombox econômico

1 Anker Soundcore Motion Boom – Melhor Boombox Leve

A reputação da Anker Soundcore de excelente áudio tem se tornado cada vez maior. O Motion Boom não é a opção mais barata da minha lista de longe (chegando a cerca de US $ 100), mas definitivamente também há opções mais caras em sua classe.

Design e qualidade de construção

O alto-falante parece enganosamente leve quando você o tira da caixa. Apesar de sua classificação à prova d'água IPX 7, o boom de movimento não parece um tanque como alguns de seus rivais. Dito isto, o plástico rígido e a grade de titânio também não vão rachar ou quebrar com qualquer batida antiga.

Na parte inferior, você encontrará bons pés emborrachados, para que o alto-falante permaneça estável, e a alça de transporte integrada significa que obtém notas altas em praticidade. O Motion Boom pesa cerca de 1,5kg e as duas portas USB na parte traseira são cobertas por uma aba de borracha.

Vida útil e funcionalidade da bateria

O Motion Boom pode ser carregado até a capacidade total em cerca de quatro horas e fornecerá até 24 horas de reprodução, dependendo das configurações de volume. O próprio alto-falante carrega via USB C, enquanto a porta USB A na parte traseira permite que você use o Motion Boom como um Power Bank.

O Motion Boom está equipado com Bluetooth 5.0 e o alto-falante tem um alcance efetivo de cerca de dez metros. Este é um alto-falante estritamente sem fio e é um pouco negativo, pois tenho certeza de que muitos de nós gostaríamos de ter visto um conector de 3,5 nessa faixa de preço. Também não há opção de emparelhamento multiponto.

No lado positivo, o alto-falante possui a funcionalidade TWS ou True Wireless Stereo, o que significa que você pode vincular dois deles como um par estéreo.

Qualidade de som

O Motion Boom está equipado com dois drivers de 15W de 3,5 polegadas que totalizam 30W de saída. Apesar da falta de tweeters (que você encontra em outros alto-falantes nessa faixa), o Motion Boom oferece um som bem equilibrado com pouca distorção em volumes altos.

Claro, você deseja graves extras, apesar do controle “Bass Boost”, mas é um alto-falante pequeno, então você não pode esperar muito. A função EQ no aplicativo complementar Soundcore, cada vez melhor, pode ajudá-lo a obter um pouco mais do alto-falante e, quando bem usado, pode fazer uma grande diferença.

  • Bem construído
  • IPX 7
  • Boa duração da bateria
  • Pode ser usado como banco de potência
  • Bom som
  • Funcionalidade TWS

  • Sem emparelhamento multiponto
  • Sem conector de 3,5 mm
  • Preço alto considerando a falta de multiponto e porta auxiliar

2 Toshiba TY-CKM39 – Boombox com melhor custo-benefício

O CKM39 oferece uma quantidade surpreendente de funcionalidade, apesar de seu preço escasso de menos de US$ 60. Começando, você pode escolher uma das quatro cores, azul, preto, verde e vermelho.

Plástico, mas bem construído e resistente

A Toshiba não faz pretensão de outros materiais com o CKM, e esse é exatamente o ponto; sabemos o que estamos pagando, então sabemos o que esperar. Apesar da construção leve e principalmente de plástico, não há tremores e chocalhos, o que comprova a boa qualidade de construção.

A alça dobrável e a antena do telescópio tornam o CKM portátil e prático, os botões são dispostos de forma lógica e ainda possui quatro pequenos pés levantados para mantê-lo robusto.

Muito dinheiro para você…

Como mencionado, a quantidade de funcionalidades incluídas neste pequeno Boombox o torna um dos maiores pontuadores quando se trata do boombox de melhor custo-benefício .

Se você é um amante do LoFi e por acaso tem um monte de CDs e fitas espalhados sem meios para apreciá-los, o CKM é a opção de orçamento perfeita para aliviar suas preocupações. Além da capacidade de reproduzir CDs, Mp3, AM/FM e Cassetes, você também pode gravar as cassetes do CD ou do Rádio. Há também um conector de áudio externo e um conector de fones de ouvido que funcionará como saída de áudio.

Muitas opções de energia…

O CKM pode ser alimentado conectando-o à fonte principal ou usando seis baterias D-Cell, mas é importante observar que o rádio FM/AM só funciona quando o rádio está conectado à rede elétrica.

Outra característica surpreendente do CKM, apesar do preço, é a inclusão de controle remoto que pode ser alimentado com duas pilhas AAA (não inclusas). Embora os controles disponíveis no CKM possam ser um pouco assustadores para alguns, quando você leva em consideração os recursos disponíveis a um preço tão baixo, isso torna essa opção de orçamento muito competitiva.

Som decente

Vamos esclarecer uma coisa desde o início; isso não é comercializado como um alto-falante de alta potência, portanto, não espere graves devastadores e seções de chifre super nítidas. Se você ouvir com expectativas realistas, o CKM irá surpreendê-lo com seu som relativamente equilibrado.

Contanto que você não aumente o volume até o fim, o CKM fornecerá uma resposta cristalina em todas as frequências, independentemente do material de origem.

  • Bom preço
  • Bateria e alimentação da rede
  • Muitas funcionalidades
  • Bem construído
  • Som decente

  • Sem Bluetooth
  • Somente registros em fita

3 Tenmiya BT-A66 – Best Low Cost Boombox

If you want a speaker that won’t break the bank, has all the features and functions you could hope for, and still manages to look like a mini transformer in disguise, look no further.

Won’t look out of place in a Sportscar…

The A66 comes in at around $60, which makes it one of the best cheap boombox options I’ll be looking at, and yet it looks like one of the high-end models. And it even has features to boot, but I’ll get to that in a bit.

Tamiya spared no expense in making sure the speaker makes a statement with its bold colors and sharply angled designs; despite the price, though, it does feel like a well-built speaker. Aside from the buttons being a bit clicky, there’s no faulting the sturdiness.

What’s in the box?

Included in the box is a handy strap that can be attached for carrying; it’s nice to have another option despite carrying the speaker with the built-in handle. There is also a Remote control, an Aux cable, and a micro USB cable for charging the speaker.

One of the most striking visual aspects of the A66 is the awesome light show it puts on, thanks to the RGB lights.

Bells, Whistles, and battery life, even on a budget

The A66 continues to deliver more and more bang for your buck when you move on to the battery life and functionality.

Starting with one of the few downsides, the A66 makes use of the now very frustrating micro USB for charging the battery. This means that charging the speaker will take a while. Once it’s fully charged, however, it will deliver a full ten hours of playtime.

The A66 is equipped with Bluetooth 4.2 for wireless connectivity, AM/FM radio, a 3.5mm jack for an external audio source, a USB A port for connecting a flash stick of up to 32GB, and a slot for both SD and TF cards. There are also two independent microphone jacks; one is 3.5mm and the other a quarter inch. The A66 features independent EQ effects/presets for the voice channels but lacks any kind of custom EQ setting.

Plenty of Punch

The A66 makes use of a three-speaker design, one woofer contained in a uniquely shaped cavity, combined with two tweeters to deliver crisp stereo sound with a total of 30Watts of power.

Having tweeters at this price is already a treat and having them sound this great is a bonus. Mind you, if you push the A66 to its limit, there is some audible distortion, so it’s best to keep it at around 75 to 80 percent, not that that isn’t plenty.

Fancy a singalong?

In terms of voice quality, the A66 doesn’t deliver pro studio sound, and a lot will depend on the microphone you plug into it, but it will be more than adequate for karaoke or MC duties during a small gathering.

While some of the effects and EQ present on the A66 are fun and unique sounding, there are no serious sound-shaping controls, which is a shame because sometimes what is available doesn’t quite get you what you need. The included remote control is another surprise considering the price tag.

  • Great price
  • Looks awesome
  • Lots of functions and inputs
  • Good battery life
  • Included strap for portability
  • Remote Control
  • RGB lights

  • No custom EQ options
  • Micro USB for charging
  • Some distortion at high volume

4 LONPOO LP-D02 – Best Budget Boombox

The LONPOO is the most affordable boombox on my list, coming in at around $40, but don’t let this fool you into thinking it’s not a great little boombox because that’s exactly what it is.

Well-made and Good Looking

First off, it looks great, there are many radios and boomboxes out there that have this shape, but the striking lines and contrasting color schemes will make the LP-D02 stand out for sure. It’s a sexy little thing, and you’ll know it. The LP-D02 comes in Blue and Black, Light Blue, and Pink.

Coming at around 1.2Kgs, the LONPOO is super light and easy to carry thanks to the built-in handle. The fold-away design of the antenna and handle makes it easy to store as well. It’s well made and good looking, what more could you ask for?

Easy, but not Simple

While the LONPOO makes no pretense of being an advanced piece of audio equipment, it’s not lacking in any features or functions for the average modern user.

The LP-D02 can be powered using either the mains or four C cell batteries. It’s equipped with Bluetooth 5.0 that will provide a solid connection up to 10m. There are two 3.5mm jacks for headphones and eternal sources, respectively.

Practical and versatile…

The top loader will play normal CDs and MP3 CDs; there is also an FM radio and a USB A 2.0 input for Flash Sticks up to 32GB in size.

The small LCD display is a bit tricky at first, but once you’ve got it figured out, you can easily get everything you need done. The LONPOO has Bluetooth capability for connecting wireless external devices as well.

As Loud as it needs to be

The LP-D02 is a small radio that will fill up a medium size room and delivers decent quality sound. There is no woofer, so don’t push it too hard, but if pushing it is what you want to do, you are looking at the wrong boombox. At moderate levels, though, you will have nothing to complain about.

  • Well priced
  • Good build
  • Plenty of functionality
  • Battery and Mains power
  • Good Sound Quality

  • No Multipoint pairing

5 W King – D10 – Best Budget Boombox with Lights

W King has been hailed as the “King” of budget speakers for a while now, and the D10 is one of the flagships that continue the legacy. At around $100, it’s by no means super chap, but it’s definitely not in the premium price range, either.

Simple but Strong…

Starting with the design and build, the D10 hasn’t got the most striking visual appearance, but it’s by no means ugly. The speaker is light but sturdy, and when shaking it, there were no audible rattles. The speakers are covered with an aluminum grill.

This comes as no surprise since the D10 has an IPX rating of 6, which makes it more than capable of dealing with splashiness and some rain. Just don’t go dipping it in the jacuzzi to impress your mates.

Included in the box are two high-quality braided cables, a 3.5mm auxiliary, and a USB A to USB C cable for charging.

Functionality and Battery Life

The D10 can be charged to maximum capacity in around two to three hours and will deliver a full 24 hours of playback, depending on RGB and volume settings. There are more expensive speakers that don’t offer such impressive battery life.

The D10 can be used as a power bank to charge other devices thanks to the USB A port; next to this, there is a quarter-inch microphone input, and both ports are covered by a thick rubber flap.

Brighten up your day…

The RGB lights sync to the audio input wonderfully and really make for a striking visual effect if you’re trying to create a vibe. Plus, the D-10 is equipped with Bluetooth 5.0 and a 3.5mm Auxilarry jack for external sources.

One of the best features of the D10 s that you can use two of them together as a stereo pair, thanks to the True Wireless Stereo or TWS button on the front.

Qualidade de som

The D10 makes use of two woofers and two tweeters to deliver a total output of 70Watts. This is more than loud enough for a medium to large size room or for an outside party.

At high volumes, there is relatively little distortion, and there is solid definition all the way from the bass to the highs. When used in stereo mode with another D10, the experience just gets better and is highly recommended.

  • Good price
  • Great sound
  • TWS Stereo Pairing
  • Well made
  • RGB lights
  • Can Be used as a power bank
  • IPX 6

  • No Multipoint Pairing

6 JBL Boombox Waterproof Portable Bluetooth Speaker – Most Durable Boombox

This is no 80s boombox. It comes with features geared to the modern age.

The build…

First of all, this is one strong boombox. It is very durable while still being lightweight. In fact, it is one of the lightest boomboxes on our list. It weighs just under 2.5 pounds, meaning it is ready to go anywhere.

And we mean literally anywhere. In addition to its rugged construction, it features an IXP7 Avaliação. Therefore, it can be submerged in one meter of water and keep on rocking. It is an ideal companion for beach and pool parties.

There is a convenient carrying handle mounted on top. However, it is fixed and cannot be folded down. It comes in a nice, sleek black finish with a leatherette covering for the handle and around the edges. However, the grille is a mesh fabric rather than metal.

The controls…

Like most portable JBL speakers, the controls are simple and straightforward. There are plus/minus buttons, a Bluetooth button, power, and play/pause button.

We won’t spend much time discussing these basic functions. That is because, as a Bluetooth speaker, most of the controls are handled through your smartphone or connected device.

The connections…

This speaker has a primary connection via Bluetooth 4.2, so it can connect two devices at the same time. Additionally, it can connect to JBL Connect+ enabled speakers. This allows you to further amplify your music. However, you are still limited to the media sources on your phone or other connected device.

There are two USB ports on the back. These can actually charge your devices while connected to the boombox. Honestly, we thought a company like JBL could at least include a 3.5mm input. A real boombox needs to have a bit more versatility, in our opinion.

The battery…

At the heart of its power is a high-capacity Lithium-ion battery. It can deliver up to 24 hours of continuous playtime on a single charge . However, it does take over six hours to fully charge the battery. On the plus side, the battery can be used to charge your devices, as we mentioned earlier.

Unfortunately, the charging adapter and cable are not included.

The sound…

What this boombox lacks in connections, it makes up for in sound performance. It is most definitely a powerful and loud boombox.

It features two 20mm high-performance tweeters and two 4-inch woofers. The sound is impressive, clear, and delivers a thick and punchy low-end. Everything is powered by a 30-watt amplifier.

  • Durable and lightweight.
  • IXP7 waterproof rating.
  • Powerful and loud.
  • Excellent low-end response.
  • 24 hours of playtime.

  • No connections other than Bluetooth.
  • No battery charging cable included.
  • Quite expensive.

7 Panasonic RX-D55GC-K Boombox – Best Compact Boombox

Panasonic has been in the boombox game for quite some time. At one point, the Panasonic RX-5100 Jambox was THE boombox to own. And who could forget the RX-FM15 with its audacious Barbie pink finish.

The RX-D55GC-k is basically a smaller version of Panasonic’s vintage Jambox. Although with some updated modern features.

The build…

This is a 5-in-1 boombox with plenty of power. It is compact, measuring 10.67 x 16.06 x 5.83 inches. And it weighs roughly ten pounds. Therefore, it is easy to transport and won’t take up much space. Likewise, there is a fold-down carrying handle that helps make it easier to take it on the go.

The housing is a sturdy plastic, with metal grilles covering the speakers. It is fairly durable, but does not have any additional protection from water or dust.

The controls…

These are almost too numerous to list. There are independent manual controls for the cassette player as well as the CD player. Additionally, you will find a radio tuner, mode selector, and volume controls.

However, everything can be easily controlled with the remote that comes with this boombox. Everything you need is on the remote, meaning the operations are conveniently at your fingertips.

The connections…

As we mentioned, this is a 5-in-1 boombox. The playable media includes a tape cassette, CD, USB, MP3, and AM/FM radio. Furthermore, there is a 3.5mm headphone jack as well.

However, there is no wireless or Bluetooth connectivity. But, with all the other connection options, that shouldn’t really be a problem.

The battery…

In a throwback to classic boomboxes, this one is powered by two AA batteries. This is convenient for portable and outdoor use.

However, these are not rechargeable batteries and may not offer more than eight hours of playtime. Fortunately, it comes with an AC adapter so you can power it directly from an electric outlet.

The sound…

This is a powerful boombox that delivers high-quality sound. It features four 2-way speakers with 10 watts for each channel. It boasts 280 Peak watts. The sound is further enhanced with an MP3 re-master and sound virtualizer. This helps to create a natural sound that is clear and detailed.

Likewise, there are four preset EQ modes and independent bass and treble controls. Therefore you can shape the sound to your liking or match a particular genre.

  • Multiple playable media sources.
  • Lightweight and compact.
  • 280 Peak watts through four 2-way speakers.
  • Natural, high-quality sound and four EQ presets.
  • Sturdy construction.
  • MP3 re-master and sound virtualization.
  • AC adapter included.

  • Not water-resistant.
  • Batteries are not rechargeable.
  • No Bluetooth connectivity.
  • Slightly pricey.

8 Sharp GX-BT9X Large Portable Bluetooth BoomBox – Best Premium Boombox

This is a high-end boombox. For those on a budget, you will need to look elsewhere. But for those who can afford it, this boombox is a beast.

The build…

When we say beast, we mean it. This boombox is neither lightweight nor compact. It weighs nearly 15 pounds and measures 29.50 x 11.00 x 10.80 inches. The construction is highly durable and very strong. However, it is kind of oddly shaped. It is cylindrical and needs to be placed with care. On an uneven surface, it could start to roll away.

That being said, it does come with a detachable carrying strap. Yet, at 18 lbs with the batteries included, it is not the most convenient to carry around with you.

The matte black finish is lovely, and all the input and output ports are solid.

The controls…

Again, these are too numerous to cover them all. Suffice it to say; if there is a control you can think of, there is likely a button for that function. Plus, this boombox comes with a remote control. So, all the buttons on the front and back panel are easily accessible from the palm of your hand.

That said, two of the more interesting controls are the EQ presets and X-Bass. The EQ presets are Flat, Rock, Vocal, Hip Hop, Salsa, and Reggae. Each has a specific EQ tailored for those music genres. The X-Bass is essentially a bass boost control. When engaged, it will push the low frequencies higher in the mix. But, beware! The bass on this thing is, well, a beast .

Furthermore, there are options to store presets and playlists. As well as select and view files in a folder on a USB drive or mobile devices.

The battery…

If there is one major downside to this boombox, it is the batteries. It requires ten D batteries! Those batteries alone add nearly 4 lbs to the weight. Furthermore, they are not rechargeable. Nor can you use rechargeable batteries.

Thankfully, it comes with an AC power adapter. So, you can plug into the mains if you don’t want to haul around or pay for ten D batteries.

The connections…

For the primary connection, this boombox uses Bluetooth 2.1 that supports A2DP for streaming. Likewise, it will support both Android and Apple devices. Along with Bluetooth connectivity, this boombox features a USB port that can play MP3 and WMA files. Furthermore, there is an FM radio tuner, a 3.5mm aux input, and a headphones jack.

What really makes this a boombox special are guitar and microphone connections. Yes, you read that right. This boombox comes with two quarter-inch input jacks. Plus, each input has an independent volume control knob on the back panel. Therefore, you can use this boombox as a karaoke machine or a small practice amp. Or you could go crazy and even try busking with it on the streets.

Like we said, a beast.

The sound…

Since this is a premium boombox, we expect premium sound performance. And it did not disappoint. As mentioned earlier, the X-bass function adds a massive low-end. This is aided by a powerful amplifier that delivers a monstrous 100 total RMS watts. It also has a frequency response of 200Hz – 20kHz, making it exceptionally clear and detailed.

There are two 2-way front speakers. Each one pumps out 17 watts per channel. Additionally, there are two bass-reflex ducts on the back. And finally, a subwoofer that dishes out 66 watts per channel.

So, yeah. Beat mode activated.

  • 100 RMS watts.
  • Bluetooth 2.1 connectivity and A2DP support.
  • USB, FM radio, 3.5mm aux, and headphones connections.
  • Two quarter-inch inputs for guitar and mic.
  • Android and Apple compatible.
  • Incredible low-end power and definition.
  • Remote control included.
  • NFC pairing enabled.
  • Carrying strap included.
  • Durável.

  • Requires ten D batteries.
  • Not water-resistant.
  • Certainly not lightweight.
  • Quite expensive.

9 Victrola 1980s Retro Bluetooth Boombox – Best Value for Your Money Boombox

A real blast from the past. This best boombox’s vintage look and feel is reminiscent of the classic Ghetto Blasters that pumped out Run DMC and Grandmaster Flash.

The build…

Pure 80s nostalgia! It has a boxy rectangular shape and straight fold-down carrying handle, complete with a rubber grip. This boombox even features a slide-analog AM/FM radio tuner.

There are two big control knobs for volume and tuning. They, of course, have a classic silvery chrome finish. All the lines are straight and angular, with a lovely silver finish on the plastic housing. Heck, there is even an old school digital clock on it.

Furthermore, it is surprisingly lightweight and not bulky. It weighs just over 7 lbs and measures 17.87 x 9.44 x 5.31 inches. So, it is easy to transport.

The controls…

This boombox has some retro control knobs and switches. We mentioned the large control knobs for volume and tuning. On top are two vintage-looking slide controls for fuction/mode selection, and one for AM/FM selection. The function switch allows you to choose tape, radio, USB/SD card, or Bluetooth modes.

Additionally, there are basic playback control buttons on the front panel. Play/Pause, USB/SD card button, skip forward and back, stop/pair/AUX, and standby buttons make operations easy. Furthermore, the cassette player has individual push button controls. It even includes a record button, just like most classic boomboxes.

The battery…

Here we find one of the main drawbacks of this boombox. It does require eight D batteries to work. And again, these are not rechargeable.

But, it does come with an AC power adapter plug. So, you can power it using a normal electrical socket.

The connections…

In the tradition of vintage boomboxes, the primary connections are the cassette player and the radio. In addition to these, there is a USB flash drive input as well as an SD card slot. To give it more modern applications, it also includes Bluetooth connectivity. It pairs easily with any device with just the push of a button.

Likewise, there is a 3.5mm AUX input. This allows you to connect an MP3 player or even a laptop computer. However, it does not have a CD player. Some may find that disappointing. But we feel it just adds to its authenticity.

The sound…

First of all, this is not the loudest boombox, but it is loud enough. It features two 2-way speakers, and each has 5 RMS watts of power. Certainly, not enough to use at a pool party. But enough power for backyard barbeques and fidgeting around in the garage.

The other significant drawback is the equalization. There is none. No treble or bass control or any EQ presets. Likewise, there is no bass boost or sound optimization.

Not the best option for EDM…

That said, the sound quality is just about OK. It is still clear and balanced even without any EQ options. Just remember, the speakers might not take too friendly to EDM or other similar musical genres.

  • Awesome 80s vintage look.
  • Easy to use.
  • Good sound profile.
  • Cassette player with record function.
  • Conectividade Bluetooth.
  • USB port, SD card slot, and 3.5mm AUX input.
  • AM/FM radio.
  • Lightweight and sturdy.
  • Headphones jack.
  • AC power adapter included.

  • No CD player.
  • No EQ controls or sound modification options.
  • Requires eight D batteries.
  • Not as loud as other boomboxes.

10 Sony Compact Portable Stereo Sound System Boombox – Best Budget Boombox

The last item in our review is one that has been around for a while. And it really hasn’t changed much in the last 30 years. Other than improvements in sound quality and reliability.

It is a Sony boombox we are talking about. When it comes to affordable, reliable, and quality audio products, Sony knows what they’re doing.

The build…

There’s nothing fancy or unique about its design. Unlike the Victrola or the JBL boomboxes, we reviewed earlier. This boombox is just a little rock solid, compact, and extremely durable boombox. Not surprising then, you can still find 10-year old versions of this little guy used on worksites and used by painting crews all over the world.

While it does not have an IPX rating, it won’t be bothered by sawdust or the occasional paint droplets. If anything, this boombox is meant as an affordable workhorse. The housing is a strong and durable plastic, and there are metal grilles covering the speakers. Likewise, it is extremely lightweight and fairly compact.

Lightweight and portable…

It weighs just over 4 pounds, making it super easy to carry around. It measures 15.80 x 12.30 x 8.60 inches, which allows it to fit almost anywhere.

Lastly, there is also a convenient fold-down carrying handle.

The controls…

All the controls for the radio and the CD player are simple push buttons. They are recessed, so they can easily be snapped off. Plus, the recessed design does a good job of keeping debris out. The control buttons almost never get stuck or wear out.

The tape deck has independent control buttons. They are also quite sturdy and keep the crud out.

Every control is laid out on top and is clearly labeled. Each button has a function symbol stamped on it as well. You know, the square, triangle, plus sign, etc. It also includes a power button and a “sleep” or standby button.

The connections…

Since this is a budget boombox, the connections are limited. No Bluetooth connectivity here. There isn’t even a USB port. Just a radio, tape deck, CD player, and a 3.5mm AUX input. You can connect your MP3 player or mobile phone using the AUX in. However, there may be some CD playback issues with FLAC and other lossless file formats.

The radio can store up to 30 station presets. Furthermore, there are three buttons to store your favorite stations. And, of course, there is a headphones jack to round it out.

The battery…

This boombox uses six C batteries for power. Likewise, it can also use an AC power adapter cord, which is thankfully included.

Depending on the function you use, the batteries will last between 10 and 23 hours. For the CD player, it’s about 10 hours of playtime, and the radio gives you 23 hours.

The sound…

While it is a good sound, it is nothing to get excited about. The sound stage is clear, accurate, and balanced. It uses a simple bass reflex structure and delivers audio in stereo quality. There are no EQ controls or sound virtualization, but it does feature the first-ever “bass boost” found on boomboxes.

Sony’s own and original MEGA BASS. This was one of the first attempts to add more low-end definition to portable audio players with the push of a button. And while it won’t shake the walls, it adds depth and richness to the lower frequencies. It is essentially a bass boost, but with a cooler name.

  • Very durable and rugged.
  • Incredibly portable, lightweight, and compact.
  • Easy to use.
  • Up to 30 station presets.
  • Clear, accurate, and balanced stereo sound.
  • MEGA BASS boost function.
  • AC power cable included.
  • Muito acessível.

  • No Bluetooth connectivity.
  • No USB ports.
  • Requires six C batteries.

Best Boombox Buying Guide

If you are in the market for a boombox, you know that durability and portability are very important. While boomboxes are made to be portable, some are easier to carry around than others. Smaller boombox are easier to transport than larger ones. And a sturdy carrying handle is always a big help too.

Furthermore, boomboxes are usually used outdoors. Some people will be playing their boombox near water, such as at the beach or poolside. This means you should look for a waterproof boombox.

Finally, the other major consideration is the battery life. Some boomboxes have a wonderful sound but limited playtime. And we all know a pool party is likely to last for more than two hours. So, it is recommended that you find a boombox with a long-lasting battery.

Advantages of Boomboxes

The first, and for some the most important, advantage of a boombox is style . True audiophiles have always preferred a boombox over wireless speakers and systems.

Anyone with a limited knowledge of the 1980s knows that boomboxes were an integral part of every music scene. If it was not for boomboxes, break-dancing might never have come into existence.


Another advantage of a boombox is versatility. A typical boombox will have several options for playing different kinds of audio mediums. This includes things like an AM/FM radio, CD player, 3.5mm AUX input, and even a tape deck on some. Plus, modern boomboxes generally feature wireless connectivity, as well as USB ports.

Finally, the main advantage of a boombox is portability. All boomboxes are designed to be taken pretty much everywhere. Even back in the day, there were waterproof boomboxes built for pool and beach parties.

Types of Boomboxes

Generally speaking, there are three types of boombox, and they relate to size. There are small, medium, and large size boomboxes. Other classifications could be made using certain features. For example, wireless/Bluetooth boomboxes or waterproof boomboxes.

But in reality, most boomboxes have similar features and functions. The real difference is typically the size of the boombox.

What is the loudest portable boombox?

From our shortlist, we can easily pick the loudest. Without a doubt, the Sharp GX-BT9X Portable Bluetooth Boombox is the loudest.

The reason is simple. This boombox boasts 100 RMS watts. RMS meaning “Root Mean Square” and refers to the continuous power of the speaker, woofer, or amplifier. Therefore, 100 RMS watts means a very loud boombox.

It is important to know that RMS watts are not the same as Peak watts. Often people look at the Peak watts, thinking a high Peak means greater volume. It is not true. Higher RMS watts translates into higher overall power and sustained volume without distorting.

What is the best sounding boombox?

It is no surprise that JBL makes the best-sounding boombox. After all, JBL knows how to make high-quality audio equipment. The JBL Waterproof boombox offers some serious low-end definition . Especially when used outdoors, the sound is widely dispersed and full.

Four active transducers and dual bass radiators contribute to an impressive sound. Plus, there are two listening modes to further enhance the soundstage performance.

Looking for Something Else?

There are lots of portable speakers out there, besides traditional boomboxes. Check out our in-depth reviews of the Loudest Portable Bluetooth Speakers, the Best Tailgate Speakers, the Best Party Speakers, the Best Solar Powered Bluetooth Speakers, and the Best Wireless Outdoor Speakers you can buy in 2022.

Also, take a look at our reviews of the Best Bluetooth Speakers with Radio, the Best Bose Speakers, the Best Karaoke Speaker, and the Best Sonos Speaker currently on the market.

So, which of these Best Boomboxs Should You Buy?

If you’re looking for a great Boombox at a great price that will deliver functionality, battery life, and great sound in a simple package, look no further than the…

W King D10

At around $100, you are getting great build quality, amazing sound, and plenty of practicality. Not to mention the great light show.

Enjoy your new boombox!