Alto-falantes de computador são um componente essencial do hardware de desktop e laptop de hoje. Seja na forma de alto-falantes externos ou unidades de alto-falante embutidos, esses dispositivos fornecem aos usuários um feedback essencial na forma de reforço de som. Como proprietário de um computador, entender como os alto-falantes funcionam e qual a potência necessária garante que você tenha todos os recursos necessários para aproveitar ao máximo seu hardware.
Felizmente, identificar e dominar a funcionalidade dos vários tipos de unidades de alto-falante em operação pode ser feito com relativa facilidade. Noções básicas de unidades de alto-falantes externos
De um modo geral, existem quatro configurações de alto-falante principais em uso. Dependendo das necessidades específicas de um indivíduo, um desses quatro arranjos primários provavelmente atenderá a todas as suas necessidades de áudio. Essas quatro configurações são:
um sistema de dois alto-falantes, um arranjo de alto-falante 2.1, um arranjo de alto-falante 5.1 e um arranjo de alto-falante 7.1. Para a grande maioria dos usuários de computador casuais,
um sistema de dois alto-falantes mais do que atende às suas necessidades. Os sistemas de dois alto-falantes fornecem uma reprodução estéreo precisa do som, roteando o sinal de áudio estéreo original para unidades de alto-falante esquerdo e direito dedicados. Para o usuário de computador, dividir o sinal de áudio nesses dois canais cria uma experiência que agrega vitalidade e imersão a jogos, filmes e outros aplicativos.
Devido à sua popularidade, os sistemas de dois alto-falantes estão disponíveis em uma variedade de preços. Embora os sistemas de dois alto-falantes geralmente não tenham a faixa de frequência de configurações de alto-falante maiores e mais elaboradas, esses dispositivos ainda atendem aos requisitos da maioria das aplicações multimídia.
Configurações avançadas de alto-falante
Embora os sistemas de dois alto-falantes sejam populares, um número significativo de usuários de computador opta por arranjos de alto-falante mais avançados. Em geral, os sistemas de alto-falantes que usam mais de dois alto-falantes são compostos por
alto-falantes satélite e um subwoofer. O subwoofer representa o ".1" adicionado ao número de alto-falantes satélites em uso. Por exemplo, em um arranjo de alto-falantes 2.1, dois alto-falantes satélites são usados em conjunto com um subwoofer. Em um sistema de alto-falantes 5.1, cinco alto-falantes satélites são usados em combinação com um subwoofer.
Pode parecer inicialmente que os arranjos de alto-falantes 2.1, 5.1 e 7.1 podem ser usados alternadamente entre si para o espectro de aplicativos de computação usados hoje. Embora isso possa ser verdade, existem usos recomendados para cada uma das configurações mencionadas.
2.1 Definição do locutor
O sistema de alto-falantes de computador 2.1 comumente vendido consiste em dois alto-falantes satélites e um subwoofer. Dada a pequena pegada física dos sistemas de alto-falantes 2.1, essas unidades representam o equilíbrio perfeito entre portabilidade e funcionalidade. De um modo geral, os sistemas de alto-falante 2.1 são ideais para indivíduos que
usam principalmente seu hardware de áudio para tocar música . Independentemente do gênero específico ou plataforma de música usada, os sistemas de alto-falante 2.1 são mais do que capazes de fornecer excelente reprodução de música.
5.1 Sistemas de alto-falantes
Em um sistema de alto-falantes 5.1, cinco alto-falantes satélites individuais são emparelhados com um subwoofer. Ao contrário de um sistema de alto-falante 2.1, as configurações de alto-falante 5.1 são capazes de fornecer som surround. Configurações maiores de alto-falantes também podem fornecer reforço de som surround, embora muitas vezes exijam um investimento financeiro maior. Em muitas situações,
indivíduos usam sistemas de alto-falantes 5.1 para reproduzir filmes ou videogames em seus computadores. Muitos videogames são projetados especificamente para fornecer uma experiência imersiva e orientada por som surround para os jogadores. Although 5.1 speaker systems include a significantly larger amount of hardware than two-speaker configurations, they can still be purchased at an affordable price point in popular electronics stores.
7.1 Speaker Arrangement
As the larger speaker configuration in use today, a 7.1 system includes seven individual satellite speakers and one subwoofer. The 7.1 systems are capable of a degree of sound precision that is rarely in use. Although these systems may be worth the additional investment for audio applications where such sonic clarity is possible, this particular speaker configuration is not often necessary.
In fact,
7.1 surround systems automatically revert to 5.1 surround audio when encountering audio programmed in more standard surround sound configurations . Anyone who is interested in 7.1 surround sound should know that these systems are typically more expensive than any of the configurations mentioned previously. Because of this, individuals may choose to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of 7.1 systems before making the financial investment.
The World of Sound Bars
A soundbar is yet another option available to individuals in the market for computer speakers. This innovative system provides accurate stereo reproduction of audio without requiring a large hardware profile. Given their relatively small physical dimensions, sound bars are often positioned on top of or directly under a display, allowing individuals to take advantage of excellent stereo sound reproduction while simultaneously minimizing general clutter.
Unlike the systems mentioned previously, which include multiple hardware units,
a soundbar is an all-in-one system. Each of the satellite speakers is aligned within a sophisticated array that creates a highly immersive experience during use. In recent years, the price point for soundbars has dropped dramatically, making them an affordable and powerful solution for those who are seeking to create a home theater-like experience with their speakers.
Although soundbars pack an incredible amount of performance into a small hardware profile, these units typically do not feature the same level of audio clarity as traditional speaker systems at the same price point. This is primarily because soundbars do not include a subwoofer with their primary hardware unit, rendering playback of lower range frequencies impossible.
However, to overcome this particular issue, many soundbars being sold come equipped with a wireless subwoofer. In some situations, soundbars are complemented by multiple satellite speakers to optimize audio playback. Whether this system matches your specific expectations and preferences, however, is entirely up to you.
Powered vs. Non-Powered Speakers
In some situations, you may be required to purchase an additional amplifier to ensure that your speakers play audio successfully. These speaker units are often referred to as non-powered speakers. Non-powered speakers are typically considered to be more sophisticated than powered units, due in large part to the fact that individuals can customize the specific amp they are using to modify the final sound output.
That being said,
powered speakers often win over customers because they act as an all-in-one system without requiring additional financial investment. For the majority of users, powered speakers are the preferred solution.
Wireless Speaker Systems
For many individuals, the ability to configure a speaker system that is free of annoying cables is a huge perk. Wireless speaker systems have become a popular item for individuals who are seeking to integrate audio solutions in a variety of environments seamlessly.
In many situations, wireless speakers connect to a computer using the Bluetooth communication protocol.
Bluetooth is commonly found on the majority of modern computer hardware. After connecting to the computer, these speakers output any audio from the computer just as if they were connected by conventional cabling.
Some wireless speaker systems may opt to connect with your computer through your wireless network rather than Bluetooth connectivity. In situations such as these, it is important to make sure that the speaker system won't conflict with your internet connectivity during use.
Not only do wireless speaker systems connect to your computer through the internet or Bluetooth, but
they also link with each other without the use of cords or cabling . This allows individuals to specifically tailor the physical setup of their speakers to their liking. For example, they can adjust the positioning of their wireless speakers to accommodate a larger group or to experiment with various forms of surround audio playback. The ability to customize your setup to this degree is a distinct perk of wireless systems and a huge advantage over traditional audio speakers.
Wireless speaker systems are the perfect solution for individuals using laptops who may need s
peaker reinforcement while they are traveling or on-the-go. Portable wireless speakers can be purchased relatively inexpensively through the majority of electronics retailers. You can buy wireless computer speakers at Walmart and various other popular shopping outlets.
Considering Your Options
With any of the speakers mentioned previously, you can not only integrate this hardware into your computer setup but also into your home stereo system. The majority of modern speaker systems are compatible with both televisions and stereos, meaning that the line of separation between a home stereo system and computer speaker setup has become virtually indistinguishable.
Your budget will most likely play a significant factor in your decision to purchase a particular computer speaker system. Before taking the leap and purchasing the latest and greatest speaker hardware,
take a moment and clarify what your specific need is. For example, are you planning on using your computer speakers to watch movies as part of a home theater setup? Or, are you looking for a lightweight system that you can transport with you? Are you looking for a system that will accurately output the immersive sonic environments in your video games, or are you more in the market for a straightforward stereo output?
Knowing specifically what you need to accomplish your goals with regards to your stereo system helps you avoid overspending on a system that you won't be using to its full potential. Your stereo system represents a significant purchase and should be thoroughly researched before you make your financial investment.
Moving Forward With Your Purchase
Once you have decided which specific speaker system you want to purchase, you can begin the process of finding the best possible price. Depending on the size of your speaker system,
you may benefit from shopping at traditional retail stores rather than online to avoid excess shipping costs. Generally speaking, however, you can expect to find the majority of popular speaker systems through both online and brick-and-mortar stores.
If you have any questions about computer speakers and general performance, you should take the time to ask an audio expert at any one of several electronics stores before committing to your purchase. Given the fact that some of these units can be quite expensive, it pays to take the time to resolve any nagging issues, concerns or questions you may have before you finalize your purchase and begin using your new gear. Audio professionals are more than happy to listen to your specific needs and walk you through various options that can meet and exceed your requests at the best price point possible.