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Análise dos fones de ouvido OneOdio Monitor 60 – muito grande ou certo?

$ 63,99Modelo:
10,9 ozTamanho
8,66 x 7,09 x 4,53 pol À prova d'água

Eu pareço gorda com esses fones de ouvido?

Quando a equipe da OneOdio entrou em contato comigo sobre os fones de ouvido Monitor 60 e perguntou se eu poderia dar uma olhada neles, fiquei muito interessado. Estou sempre muito empolgado em experimentar fones de ouvido acessíveis que permitem que as pessoas acessem um bom som.

Sempre que possível, fico animado com a ideia de que, mesmo que seu orçamento não seja enorme, você ainda pode obter uma boa experiência de som com um conjunto de fones de ouvido.

Os fones de ouvido OneOdio Monitor 60 são um pouco mais caros do que o restante da linha OneOdio. E para ser sincero, sempre fui um pouco cético quanto à qualidade que eles devem produzir a esse preço. Eu vi os milhares de comentários afirmando o quão maravilhosos eles eram, mas como um audiófilo, é da nossa natureza ser um pouco cético ao revisar.
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Fones de ouvido OneOdio Monitor 60

5/5 Leia mais avaliações Faixa de preço: $Marca: OneOdio

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Os fones de ouvido OneOdio Monitor 60 são uma unidade impressionante pelo preço. Embora a leve natureza em forma de V da afinação do som não seja perfeita para uma sessão de mixagem neutra, o som geral para audição é realmente ótimo. Os fones de ouvido são confortáveis ​​e oferecem muitas opções giratórias diferentes se você quiser usá-los para o trabalho de DJ. No geral, um som impressionante com uma impressionante variedade de acessórios incluídos.
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As especificações

  • Tecnologia de conectividade: Com fio
  • Orador: 50 milímetros
  • Impedância: 38Ω
  • Sensibilidade: 110dB±3dB
  • Resposta de frequência: 20Hz-40KHz
  • Tipo de plugue: Estéreo de 3,5 mm/6,35 mm
  • Giro do fone de ouvido: 90° Ambas as direções
  • Microfone: Em linha

O que há na caixa?

  • Monitorar 60
  • Bolsa de armazenamento
  • Manual do usuário
  • Cabo 1:cabo de 3,5 mm a 3,5 mm com microfone (1,2 M)
  • Cabo 2:cabo enrolado de 3,5 mm a 6,35 mm (1,5 M~3M)
  • Cabo 3:cabo de 3,5 mm a 3,5 mm (3M)

Coisas que eu gosto

  • Excelente qualidade de som
  • Boa variedade de acessórios
  • Cabos longos
  • Muito movimento nos fones de ouvido
  • A banda de fone de ouvido tem um amortecimento macio muito bom

Coisas que eu gosto menos

  • Nenhum estojo rígido incluído
  • Mais volumosos do que outros fones de ouvido

Onde obtê-lo

  • Veja na Amazon
  • Ver no OneOdio

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O HD 400S é um fone de ouvido compacto e fechado, ao redor da orelha, que oferece uma experiência de audição excepcional com resposta de graves sólida e redução de ruído ambiente. Possui um controle remoto inteligente em linha de um botão, permitindo convenientemente o controle de música e chamadas. Uma faixa de cabeça dobrável oferece fácil armazenamento e portabilidade quando não estiver em uso.

Revisar métricas

Qualidade do Som:8Baixos:9Médios:8Agudos:8Isolamento do Som:8Qualidade de Construção:7Conforto e Ajuste:8Valor Custo-Benefício:9Acessórios:9 Métricas de Revisão Média:8,22 / 10
Como é frequentemente o caso, eu não tinha muita certeza no começo. Por alguma razão, quando essas coisas chegam, é à tarde, tive um longo dia ouvindo produtos, sentado em um escritório barulhento e vivendo os rigores diários da vida. Mas eu sabia que havia algo sobre eles que eu realmente apreciava.

Quando os tirei da caixa pela primeira vez, fiquei agradavelmente surpreso com a variedade de acessórios que eles vêm com. Este também é outro dos molhos secretos do OneOdio é que eles oferecem uma boa variedade de acessórios quando você compra seus itens.

Como o Monitor Audio 60 é realmente voltado para estúdios e DJs, há um recurso de design muito interessante em ambos os fones de ouvido e um deles suporta um plugue jack de um quarto de polegada e o outro suporta um plugue jack de 3,5 mm.

Now, at first, you might think, “Oh, this is a balanced set and I can run two cables.” But this is not the case. This just gives you the flexibility in the options depending on what kind of use you have for the headphones to switch them around.

In the box, you do get a quarter-inch to 3.5mm cable, and this is the bungee cable. Who doesn’t love a bungee cable, right? So much fun to play with and certainly feels like you’re a serious audiophile or studio engineer.

If you are using these in the studio, the bungee cord is actually quite practical, wheeling your chair between racks and stations and adjusting dials and knobs. The bungee cord makes it easy to wheel back in front of your console or control panel and do the editing and mixing you need to without having a long cable dragging around the bottom of your chair.

Also in the box is a 3.5 to 3.5mm cable, with a small microphone, and a long 3.5 to 3.5mm cable which is really longer than anything I would ever consider using, but if the bungee cord cable isn’t long enough then this will certainly do the trick wherever you’re recording.

If you are a musician in the studio recording, I can imagine the 3.5mm long cable would be perfect if you need to position yourself a little bit further away from your amplifier or stack, whatever you’re using in the studio.

There also comes a small floppy, what I think is some sort of coaster, which is actually quite cool. You could put that in your recording studio or even a desk at home if you’re just gonna use these for home listening and you have a desk somewhere to use. And they also include an affordable stand, which I think is awesome.

Here’s my TIk Tok Take in two parts:

The SuperEQ S1 is one which is also made ultimately by OneOdio as its parent company. SuperEQ is a OneOdio brand name.
Sorry, they also include a stand which I think is just a great idea because one of the first things I like to do when I buy a new set of headphones is to stand them on my desk, so I can continually easily access them and listen to them.

And finally, in the box along with the headphones, you get a soft travel case, which is just a nice touch, and even if you’re just gonna leave these on the desk or put them in your drawer, it’s a nice little extra piece of protection

Build Quality

Well at first I was a little bit unsure. You pick these things up and they really are quite light. The ear cups are large, but the overall weight and feel of them are not particularly confidence-inspiring, but not unlike my Bose QC35s and QC45s. A lack of weight doesn’t necessarily mean a lack of sound quality or a lack of build quality.

Because the Monitor 60 are also designed for DJs, there is a lot of movement in the cups, there are a lot of angles and give, you can flip the ear cups around and you can also fold them down for easy portability.

There’s very little you can’t do in terms of angles and positions for the ear cups. The earphones are really quite lovely, squishy, comfortable, and cover the ears really nicely. There’s enough give in the headphone band.

And even the headphone band has a really nice soft cushioning to it, which means that these would probably be quite comfortable for long listening periods with the open backfield to them, they breathe well, and yet still provide quite good noise isolation because of the way the earphone settles nicely on the head.

So, we’ve got a full range of accessories, nice comfort, and confidence enough in the build quality, as long as you’re not trying to jam these into a backpack with a whole bunch of books and accessories. But certainly, definitely usable in a studio, DJing on your desk, or anywhere else.

If you do travel with them, you may wanna get a cheap hard case on AliExpress or similar just to give them extra cover, but I think these would be okay as long as you’re not abusing them.

Sound quality.

Well, the sound quality is really great.

I am mostly in the camp, when listening to headphones that you’re hearing adjusts to the headphone over time.

At first, it’s like the way you make your own coffee, and then someone else makes you a coffee, and you’re like, “Oh, I don’t know if I like that coffee.”

But if you just drink their coffee for long enough you start to like their coffee and forget what your coffee tastes like.

That’s one of my theories on a lot of headphones.

At first, listen as I say, I wasn’t too sure about these, but I’ve given them a much longer go, and certainly at this price range in the sub $100 studio monitoring headphone bracket, I’m really quite impressed and happy to recommend these to just about anyone who’s looking for a good headphone at this price.

If you don’t mind the slightly bulkier design, then these will be a great companion.

When I put headphones on in the morning, I describe the experience as having virgin ears.

That is your ears have had a nice sleep, you wake up in the morning, and they’re ready to hear things that perhaps your ears aren’t really quite ready to hear in the afternoon after a long day of noise and assault.

The first virgin listening track that I listened to in the morning was a track by SOHN. If you’ve not heard of SOHN, really lovely ambient music. And he has done a live track called “Hue” with the Metropole Orchestra. And it is really quite wonderful.

Sorry, the Metropole Orkest. It’s a really lovely track and I would say that pretty much anything would sound good, but the Monitor 60s give it a really good treatment, nice airy vocal tones, a beautiful range through the strings, an orchestral feel, and a lovely treatment of the deep bottom end.

The track is incredibly well mixed for a live track and it’s very balanced, but the OneOdio have a wide enough soundstage that they can place instruments quite nicely. Now, when I say wide soundstage, I’m not saying Sennheiser HD 800 S wide, but certainly very impressive for this price. And actually, these really do punch above their weight.

Now, the soundtrack has a particular tendency towards reverb, but it’s not excessive.

Next, we put the headphones through their paces and we tried our listening track playlist, overall, everything came out sounding pretty great.

For me, the thing that shines most with the Monitor 60 is really the mids and upper mids, and I would even throw the treble in there, there’s a really nice balance, it’s not too annoying.

There are some snare drum hits that can sound a little jarring, but other than that, they do a great job of representing vocals, especially guitars and keyboards as well. The bottom end is deep.

The bass is where I was a little bit confused at first listen because it’s not tight, but at the same time, it is impactful and quite wide. It’s a little bit soft as you get into the lower mids.

This is where some of the clarity comes out of the bass, but it’s not at all overly unsettling. In fact, I would be bold to say that in terms of a personal audio listening experience, this is pretty close to a nice stack of floor-standing speakers in that it gives you that kind of full bottom-end experience.

“Wrecked” by Imagine Dragons, the light vocals that float through the middle range sound superb.

The OneOdio Monitor 60 are a little bit v-sculpted overall, but because there is so much space in the drivers, there’s still room for everything to have its place.

Dean Lewis, “Looks Like Me” is an excellent example of a pop track where the bass is natural. The kick drum is still acoustic in nature, and it’s not overwhelming. So, on that front, it’s really great.
SAIBA MAIS SOBRE ESSA? OneOdio Monitor 60 View Price
Overall, at a high-level the Monitor 60 produce good treble, really good, mids lovely, bass full round, slightly V-shaped, but everything sits in there okay.

Certainly, you’ll have no problem enjoying anything you throw at these including rock, pop, I would say even classical.

And again, if you’re using these in the studio for monitoring, planning, or as a DJ, they have certainly enough feeling in that you’re gonna have a good time with whatever you’re doing.

Are OneOdio Monitor 60 only for studios and DJs?

De jeito nenhum. You can certainly use these just for casual listening anywhere, anytime.


At the $80 mark currently, these would certainly make it into my top list of budget headphones for sure and would sit quite high on that list without a doubt.

Overall, they have an almost FM bandwidth feel to them. And I’d love to hear if you own them or if you do get them to hear what your experience is like and how you find them.

If you are doing any mixing or mastering with these or just be conscious that that middle is a little bit lower in the mix and the bass is probably set a little bit higher, so you may wanna mix accordingly for a more neutral sound settled.

Any questions far away in the comments below.